Get one image like ^^ using cutting Panit okay lol! 1 Step 1 ^ & ^ Open the image to see press Ctrl + E to see how much width, if they get it 1200 divided by 3 because I cut 3 pieces that ^^ be 1200/3 = 400, type 400 and then OK to save as then you next to the name is chusun-1.jpg ^^ the 1st piece of it!
2.Step 2 (* ^ *) => Off reopens do for tired image, press Ctrl + Z to return the image to its original image offline) ^ _ ^ (
=> Press Ctrl + R and select the Rotate by angle-star select offline ^^ 180 (its image from right to left to change the image in the opposite form than the original image)
=> Continue pressing Ctrl + E now you still see the width of 1200 ^^ (because I only change the image contrast with the original image should not have changed anything about the width of both ^^ image), then click OK and then press Ctrl + R Rotate by angle selected selected 180 image again to return it to the correct dimensions and save as the name is chusun-3.jpg image is the 2nd piece and then he he! 3 Step 3 is also simple but must follow his nghen only! 0_0 => Off reopens do for tired image, press Ctrl + Z to return the image to its original image offline) ^ _ ^ (
=> Press Ctrl + R Rotate by angle selected 90 too (+ _ +) (the width will change that from that height!) Conduct 3rd cuts
=> Continue pressing Ctrl + E when you look to see how much height ^^ (make sure it is the width of the original image and then in 1200), now you just need to take
(1 200/3) x 2 = 800, type 800 in height okay then OK, where unfinished piece of number 2. => Continue pressing Ctrl + R and select the Rotate by angle selected 180 okay !! Now press Ctrl + E times the height to see how much of that number divided by 2 get here we will have 800/2 = 400 OK and continue to save as the name is chusun-2.jpg image is 3 pieces and then it!