Issue 1: The term "PHP"?
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one kind of programming language as many other languages (eg C, C #, C +, Perl, Python, Visual Basic, ASP, ASP.Net, etc ...). And it has in common with one of the other languages (1 whiff number) is based on C. And PHP is one kind of programming language WEB. It is optimized through several versions, and now it has been updated to version 5.3.1. Homepage of the PHP is:
If you want to learn more about the version as well as the advent of PHP -> Spoiled for reading
Like most other programming languages, PHP also has what is called "the beginning" and "end" of one code
With Pascal ('m most well known, may have learned in school program a few years back about this, now kids are learning grade 7-8) is:
To begin the "opening" and end. the end
So with PHP, it looked like this
<? php
<? php is "opening" and?> is "finished". Never too. Do not have it, you do not even have much code values (like the fact that ... most). If Server supports Short-Open-Tag then we can replace <? Php to <? also (preferably <? php go for it from twisting).
Issue 2: How to start learning PHP?. How to Begin?
To help understand this problem, you just imagine this: You are the one who cooks. You are full of spices - ingredients, but no kitchen cook =. = .. Most
PHP too. You know ... no code, but it runs a program to help the most ... the game.
So how is it possible to run PHP? . The answer is: 1 home server install to run PHP
There are two ways to install home server:
Manually, install each one, one ... generally time-consuming and often malfunction <- Not going DC initially fell and then <- Boring ... Install the package "installed" (it encapsulates all that time only one set all, people tend to call "All in One" attention) ... generally just run it and Instal -> Next -> Next -> Finish. Someday we'll have time to dwell on, now is not the time In a nutshell: I have to install 1 package pre-installed PHP code to start the new DC. How do I install it to continue to issue 3
Problem 3: How to install packages "installed"? How to Install?
In the network there is now a lot of packages installed (ex: Vertrigo, WAMP, XAMPP, ...). Is favored over his Vertrigo, DC, the physician if any Vertrigo for easy use later more. Download Vertrigo in tissue? -> Click here
After you have downloaded the 1 exe file. You just run the file and then Next -> Next -> Next -> ... -> Finish. By default it will install in C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\. Desktop Now you fly out, will have 1 star-shaped icon. Run it and click "Hide this window and start server". Ok, after you click on the Server started work already.
Now we in Notepad, type a few lines like this
<? php
echo "PHP programmer";
?> Save to a name: "test.php". You should remember that php extension too (do not they have that running = faith and hope). Then copy the file to C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\www\
Ok, now almost over. You turn up your browser (Firefox or IE something) and then type in the Address is: localhost/test.php.
If it's like this is right. Now reassuring. You are about to "PHP programmer" already.