Hello everyone! Today I will continue to post, I make money online how? Part 3 will be directed to post web content, registration and placing Google Adsense ads
This section is divided into three subsections:
1. Registration AdSense
2. Web Content
3. Ways to place ads
Section 1:
Before signing up make sure your website is about but reach 20 posts required quality. articles about what the content is, but also how to understand that you can google to try and resolve development site. the successful registration, you can change site content or set up any site you wish.
Google adsence registration will include the following 5 steps:
1. Send your application
2. Verify your information
check google adsence information in your registration form (address, url, etc ...) and send you an email about the status of your application within one day.
3. Place ads on your site
when google adsence have verified your information, this is when you create your first ad unit and place the ad code on the url that you provided on the registration form. ensure the ad code on your site to receive traffic.
You will only see blank ad units on your site until you have passed the second review and we fully activate your adsense account. You will also see the red bar on top of your accounts that are still being considered.
4. Review your account for approval
When the system detects that your google adsence ad code placed directly on the page, google adsence automatically resume review process and check that your site complies with our policies or not. Once we have completed the second review, google adsence will send you an email for the status of your application. This process can take up to a week.
5. Accounts approved
Your adsense account has now been fully activated. The red bar on top of your accounts has disappeared and the next few hours you will begin to see live ads.