Google has launched Android One of his initiatives in India, announced three new smartphones from local manufacturers Micromax, Karbonn and Spice Mobile. The three smartphones will be sold for 6399 INR or $ 105 USD.
The three smartphones will be equipped with techniques that, compared to feature phones 70 percent of phone users still use Indian, even if they are priced a little higher. Google also will work more closely control hardware / software updates to make smoother.
an Android
Google has many reasons to start in India, as we have said before, 70 percent of the customer base is still using feature phones, although disposable income for a phone intelligent. A new Android phone so tempted a number of Indians, with work from local suppliers.
Hopefully Android will continue to grow in India, which allows more smartphones and ultimately more money for Google, from apps, music and media downloads. Apple has almost no market share in India, along with Microsoft Windows Phone.
Amazon, Snapdeal and Flipkart will start selling three Android Another device. This makes the online keeper, because this is the third largest online retailer in India. Google is also planning a major advertising campaign in India for Android One.
An Android will not stop in India although, Head Chrome and Android, Sundar Pichai, said they would consider expanding into the Philippines and Indonesia before the end of 2015, jumping on two markets with over 400 million customers potential.
Google will continue to expand into Southeast Asia, the hot spots lower than Android phones. No word if there is an Android A program will be given to China, considering the smart phone demographic in the country, it may be hard to see low-level smartphones.
We do not expect Android A will to the United States or Europe, or, though South America and Africa may be a potential point in the future.